Sports facilities at clubs, schools and parks remain off-limits to users as the UK-wide lockdown continues. There are, however, a number actions that venue operators should take, if at all possible, to ensure that their facilities are kept in good condition and will be ready for the safe return of players when the time comes. The government has confirmed that during the emergency situation, a certain level of work can be carried out on sports facilities by groundstaff and volunteers, as long as they adhere to social distancing measures and other health and safety considerations.


Sports facilities will already have closed their doors, but in some cases this might have happened in haste and without proper planning. There are a number of actions should be taken when temporarily mothballing sites, such as:

  • Emptying any bins on or around the playing surfaces
  • Removing any sports equipment or sports furniture from the playing surfaces to prevent possible damage
  • Storing equipment in designated areas, where they exist
  • Turning off any services not required
  • Isolating electrical supplies to floodlights, where possible
  • Making sure drainage systems are unblocked
  • Making safe irrigation systems (for this, it is wise to consult the installer to find out the correct procedure)
  • Locking and securing all elements of the facility
  • Putting up signs to discourage unauthorised users

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